Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Chysis laevis


This plant flowered at the beginning of the summer 2013. A surprise as I didn't expect it to flower for at least another year. Only two buds, but large beautiful flowers with a very thick waxy texture. Also a lovely scent.
The colour is true in the photographs. I expected the flowers to last longer but it self pollinated I presume when I moved the pot. The large flowers nod and bounce on their stems at any disturbance and as it was indoors I did not see any insects which could have pollinated it?
It set two seed pods one of which died but the other is still ripening. I am shortly going to remove it as I wish the plant to put all its energy into the new growth and hopefully more flowers.
In the winter I keep it in my kitchen near a bright east window. As close to intermediate as I can, dryer in Winter. Can take a lot of light. Next summer it will go in the green house under shading. From spring to autumn I fertilise every other week with very weak tomorite or seaweed.


  1. Maravilhosa planta, belas fotos.

  2. Thank you, It is on of my favourite plants. I hope it has more flowers next time :)
